Eco-friendly drives. Dedicated schools.

Social and environmental awareness is increasingly winning the hearts of young people. They want to get involved and make a difference. That’s why Marc Michel, who is in charge of community involvement at the Académie des Sacrés-Cœurs, and Violette Demers, a member of the Green Committee, explained to TVRS why they are participating in the Super Recyclers’ fundraising drive. Proceeds from the drive will be donated to Minta, a local organization. To listen to the interview, please follow this link.

Why are more and more students and schools participating in a Super Recyclers fundraising drive? Recent studies indicate that every year in Quebec, we consume 343,000 tons of new textile products and generate the equivalent of 170,000 tons of textile waste, 124,000 of which are landfilled or burned rather than reused or recycled. In a city like Montreal, where more than 100,000 tons of textile waste are generated each year, the transition to a circular economy must imperatively include recycling*.  The photo on the right shows what the average 23 kg thrown away per Quebecer per year looks like!!!
