St. Gabriel Elementary School

600 Rue de Dublin, Montréal, QC H3K 2S4

St. Gabriel Elementary School

Clothing Drive – Let’s celebrate Earth Day!

On April 24th 2025 (7:30 to 5 pm), St.Gabriel Elementary School is hosting a Super Recyclers Drive. Simply drop off your donations at at the front entrance or into the Super Recyclers’ truck in the afternoon.

Your donations of clothing, bedding and small toys will be reused and redistributed. Therefore, they must be in a good condition. Those of lesser quality will be recycled. The goal of this event is to raise awareness and reduce overconsumption within the community.

The more parents, youth and the community get involved, the more it pays. Thanks to you, according to the weight amassed, this clothing drive will allow Super Recyclers to donate funds to our school to finance projects.

Stop Fast Fashion: 20% water waste; 85% goes to landfill; 35% microplastics; 10% carbon emission.

GO RECYCLE! More planet, less plastic.

We ask parents to avoid plastic bags and replace them with old pillowcases, jeans or old sheets, or compostable paper yard bags. DO NOT USE BOXES IF POSSIBLE. The school that successfully completes a 100% textile drive might qualify to earn an additional $100 towards their fundraiser.* (Please see criteria). For ideas on how to use these materials, see the video on YouTube:

Accepted equipment: All the clothing for men, women and children, handbags, scarves, hats, gloves, furs, shoes, sheets, towels, curtains, leather accessories, as well as SMALL toys in a good condition without missing pieces. For example, a farmhouse without the animals or a puzzle with missing pieces will not be accepted by the Super Recyclers. We only accept what is in good condition, clean, and can be reused. Heavily soiled and dirty clothing as well as broken toys will be removed before weighing. The Super Recyclers are not able to accept pillows, carpets and skates.