Climate Science, an online educational resource
The Super Recyclers present Climate Science, an online educational resource on climate change and the environment.
Climate Science is a charitable organization with about 100 volunteers and contributors in 26 countries. Several organizations and universities are partners, like McGill University here in Montreal.
Their goal is to share scientific research on climate change in a factual, educational and engaging way. On their site, teachers will find resources that are easy to understand for young people. They are available in 4 languages, English, Spanish, Portuguese and German. French should follow soon.
Their books may be of particular interest to students. Currently, there is only one book available, but several are in development. In these, we follow the adventures of Earthly, the earth who is presented in an anthropomorphized way and is the friend of humans. In the first book, students will follow Earthly and learn why she is sick and how to save her.
Upcoming books will cover the following themes: clean energy, natural disasters, biodiversity, pollution, underwater life, forests, how to change the world and the quest for a healthier world.
Educators or parents can read the first book on the Climate Science website, or, if they prefer, the book is also presented in audio form, read by a father and his 5-year-old son.
Earth Day is approaching and the Super Recyclers encourage teachers to use this time to talk to their students about climate change. However, we want to remind you that this resource is available at all times, so April is not the only time to educate young people about global issues. We need to take care of the planet all year long.